
Instructor Training Courses OLD

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Do a pilates training course – with a difference!

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]MENEZES METHOD is one of the leading pilates courses in the world.
“To be Terrific – Be Specific” – Allan Menezes[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]In 1998 Menezes wrote the bestseller, “The Complete Guide to the Pilates Method”. (Published in the USA as “The Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates’ Techniques of Physical Conditioning” 2000, 2004) which became a training manual for trainee pilates instructors for the Institute for the Pilates Method (USA) and the Pilates Institute (UK). This established Allan as one of the leading thinkers and promoters of Pilates in the world. This book is still used as a basis for Pilates Theory as well as an inspiration to many of those deciding whether to pursue a career in the Pilates Method.

Menezes has also produced 17 DVD titles on the Pilates Method. Allan’s specific style is a basis of, not only perfection in movement, but also a requirement for the next step into exercising for physical rehabilitation. The training is far more bio-mechanical that other forms of Pilates and the cueing is also vastly different.

As Allan points out, “If you are counting, repeating the instruction of the movement that the subject is doing or telling them to ‘breathe in, breathe out’, then you are not a teacher, you are a robot. A great teacher will focus on the details of what the client is NOT doing, rather than telling them to do what they are already doing.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/12″][vc_column_text el_class=”trial-form”]

Subscribe for this free report on how to strengthen your core with a different approach to working the abdominals without straining your back and neck.

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    Compared to other Pilates Workshops you have attended, how would you compare the Menezes Method style?

    (Responses supplied by Attendees to a Menezes Method training course of Pilates Instructors in the UK.)

    “Excellent. It made sense. Reasons for everything we did”

    “No Comparison. All other workshops have been repetitive, uninformative and not relevant to my clients.”

    “More informative. More knowledgeable. Makes more sense.”

    “Very factual and answers ALL your questions – not afraid to be questioned, like some other presenters from other companies.”

    “I would say that the course followed how Pilates would have wished it to be in the 21st Century and not an incorrect version as taught to me 8 years ago.”

    “Less focus on the tea break and nice lunch aspect – more on the meat of why we were there – a refreshing change.”

    “Small and much more enjoyable. Last course I did with ***** (there were)100 participants!”

    “More detailed specific content and reasons given for why do certain movements.”

    “No comparison. This was challenging and informative. Thank you so much!!”

    “There is no comparison. One hundredfold the best. Inspirational.”

    “Much more structured – course notes much better than most I have received.”

    “It has made me question a lot of my previous knowledge.”

    “Far superior. Blew me away.”

    “Learnt more in 2 days than any of the other courses over the last eight years!”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”1055″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

    Small course sizes enables greater focus on all participants

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    Helped over 1000+ clients.

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    Receive a free year membership to PIA with access to valuable Pilates resources

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    Subscribe for this free report on how to strengthen your core with a different approach to working the abdominals without straining your back and neck.

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    Subscribe for this free report on how to strengthen your core with a different approach to working the abdominals without straining your back and neck.

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