Menezes Method Online DVDs


This range of Menezes Method Pilates Online DVDs. Order to have them delivered directly to your inbox. Get fit and stay fit with affordable DVDs. SALE PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME: AUD$19.97 (approx USD$11 depending on the time of day :-). Order as many as you like! Please leave a comment on our site once you have viewed the video. Menezes Pilates Floor 1 Menezes Pilates Floor 2 Menezes Pilates Floor 3 Menezes Pilates Theory & Warm-Up Menezes Pilates Stretch Band 1 & 2 Menezes Pilates Reformer Menezes Pilates Fitness Ball Menezes Pilates Foam Roller Menezes Pilates Fitness (Magic) Circle Menezes…


The new Menezes Pilates™ Floor 1 routine contains new essential exercises to gain basic strength and stability. Strengthen your core out of sight – and improve your flexibility at the same time. We include stretches that other Pilates products do not even touch! This video also provides you with the grounding to progress further with this specific Menezes Pilates™ style. (55 mins)

This Menezes Pilates™ Floor 02 is a new comprehensive program designed to give you greater awareness through the more challenging aspects of the Menezes PilatesMethod. (59 mins)

This Menezes Pilates™ Floor 03 Advanced Routine is the Challenge! This routine is for those who have found that all other programs are great, but they now require a further challenge! Make sure you’re in good shape for this one! (47 mins)

LOWER BACK PAIN (Updated 2022)
Menezes Pilates™ for Lower Back Pain is the first of its kind in the world to address back pain using the Menezes Pilates™ Method. This 3-hour workshop will show you how to ‘protect’ your back while exercising and get you onto the road to recovery and reduction of back pain. The first step to a healthier back!

Understand the Menezes Method™ with this essential Video. Learn how to start your routines correctly, increase your lung capacity and stamina levels, stretch tight muscles and mobilise joints, engage your core and focus on individual muscles through efficient exercise execution.

2-in1 Video. Menezes Pilates™ Stretch Band 1 uses a resistance band to provide a resistance to your Menezes Pilates™ routines to enhance the level of challenge for you. A great workout for your arms, legs and Abs and other flabby bits!
Menezes Pilates™ Stretch Band 2 uses a resistance band to greater enhance the level of challenge of Menezes Pilates™ Stretch Band 1. A great workout for your arms, legs and Abs! (total 93 mins)

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Online Menezes Pilates DVDs

Theory & Warm-up, Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3, Reformer 1, FitBall, Foam Roller, Stretch Band 1 & 2, Pregnancy, Fitness Circle


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