Here you’ll find blog posts with recent product deals and events including upcoming Pilates Instructor Courses and workshops. You will also find fitness and wellness insights to better inform your health knowledge
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We’ve got a number of instructor training courses to be held in Sydney and Melbourne over the last 3 months of 2018!
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- Fascia Roller Workshop Sydney; 8th December – The 2 hour fascia roller workshop teaches you how to effectively release tight muscles and target the fascia in your body. Our unique menezes fascia roller is very different to any other roller with its rubber ridges designed to release tension – a completely different sensation to a foam roller
click here for more information and to book the course today
- Practitioners Functional Pilates Workshop, Sydney and Melbourne
The 2 Day Practitioner Workshop is designed for fitness and rehabilitation professionals who would like to teach their clients the functional aspects of essential stretches and floor exercises.
click here for more information, dates and to book the course today! - Floor 1 Pilates Instructor Training Course; Melbourne 16-18th November
This is the entry-level 3 day intensive course for those wishing to commence a career in the Pilates method. This essential course gives you all the theory for future courses. This gives you all the tools to enable you to become the very best Pilates instructor.
click here for more information and to book the course today!
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Do’s and Don’ts for managing stress
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”1324″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]In the hustle and bustle of today’s society, stress is increasingly present and is creating implications for health and well being worldwide. Success magazine has provided a few tips on how to effectively manage stress and things to avoid in order to limit not only the amount of stress in our lives but how we react to it[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_accordion color=”purple” c_align=”center” c_icon=”” active_section=”1″ collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Read More ” tab_id=”1540522093576-b7e6be52-c4e7″][vc_column_text]Anxiety and Stress are totally normal and is actually what makes life interesting and is a key motivator. It is however how we respond to stress that can directly impact our health, either positively or negatively.
- List-making is your best friend
Keep a notebook next to your bed in order to take down all the important dates, deadlines and to do items in your head when you think of them. This will ensure that you don’t miss or jumble up all the different dates in your head but also clear your head and shake off the feeling that you’re forgetting something. - Decrease screen time
In this age of technology, screen time is becoming more and more of an issue. If you stare at bright screens an hour or two before you go to bed, your brain becomes stimulated and inhibits the production of melatonin which affects your sleep. - Target your stress-eating tendencies now
Often when your stressed your brain really craves action such as reaching for the packet of chips in and repetitively munching on them, one by one. Research shows that repeated addictive behaviour such as turning to food when experiencing stress actually changes your brain circuitry to interpret food as the response to stress. Next time when you do want to reach for that packet of chips, instead get up and go for a walk or do a short activity like push ups, research has shown that even a short walk, 10-mins is enough to reduce cravings for snacks.
Want to become a Pilates Instructor? Learn from the best!
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Floor 1 Course
Would you like to kickstart your career in Pilates, if so then read on because our Pilates Floor 1 course is the most biomechanically specific pilates introductory course anywhere. The three day course gives you all the tools to enable you to become the very best Pilates instructor.
Your Floor Level 1 course includes:
- Tuition and theory exam for the three days
- Practical exam required via DVD at 30 days of the end of the course
- Logbook of daily workouts for 30 days after the course
You also receive
- Twelve month membership of the Pilates Institute, valued at $300 which includes a certificate for your studio
- Access to the staff for any queries regarding your clients.
- Name, business name, telephone and internet details to the leading Pilates website in the world
- Floor 1 DVD and workbook
- ” PilatesTheory Bible” and Routine e-Books
- Access to insurance which covers the specific Menezes Method style of Pilates
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Read More and Book here now ” color=”purple” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fcp-ht-9.hostgator.tempwebhost.net%2F%7Ewadcoaj3%2Fprojects%2Fpilates-net%2Fproduct%2Ffloor-level-1%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]