Menezes Pilates e-Manuals


Here is a comprehensive list of Pilates e-Manuals available for all aspiring or would-be Pilates instructors to dip your toe into the water. These e-Manuals are comprehensive and should be used in conjunction with video training to get the most out of them. They are also essential as a recap to your existing knowledge. Access password is Pilates3 Floor/Mat Level 1/2/3 Reformer 1/2/3 Fit Ball 1/2 Foam Roller Wunda/Fitness Chair Arc Barrel Spine Corrector Magic Circle Pregnancy Cadillac/Trapeze Table Joe Pilates Complete Works (Your Health & Return to Life through Contrology) “Complete Guide to the Pilates Method” by Allan Menezes


Here is a comprehensive list of Pilates e-Manuals available for all aspiring or would-be Pilates instructors to dip your toe into the water.
These e-Manuals are comprehensive and should be used in conjunction with video training to get the most out of them.
However, they are still essential as a recap to your existing knowledge.
Written by Allan Menezes, who started one of the first Pilates face-to-face training courses in the world in the 1990s, the e-Manuals cover all the Floor, Reformer and small equipment used in a Pilates Studio.
The e-Manuals are comprehensive and contain tips and hints on, not only how to teach better, but also how to perform the exercise at a higher standard.
The access Password is Pilates3

Floor/Mat Level 1/2/3
Reformer 1/2/3
Ball 1/2
Foam Roller
Wunda Chair
Arc Barrel
Spine Corrector
Magic Circle
Cadillac/Trapeze Table
Joe Pilates Complete Works (Your Health & Return to Life through Contrology)
“Complete Guide to the Pilates Method” by Allan Menezes

Additional information

Pilates e-Books

Floor 1, Floor 2/3, On the Ball 1, On the Ball 2, Pregnancy, Reformer 1, Reformer 2, Reformer 3, Foam Roller, Cadillac-Trap Table, Arc Barrel, Spine Corrector, Wunda Chair, J. Pilates Complete Works, "Complete Guide to the Pilates Method" by Allan Menezes


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